Ramadan teaches us.. 3 tips to give your children patience during the holy month
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Patience is one of the virtues that any Muslim should possess, because his morals and personality are distinguished by it. Teaching a child patience from a young age will help him overcome many obstacles and various problems for the rest of his life, which is what we can teach our children during the holy month of Ramadan. Dr. Salma Abu Al-Yazid says A mental health consultant told “The Seventh Day” that teaching patience is not like any other value that has a specific time for the child to learn, but this trait must be instilled in the child from birth.
Tips for giving your children the creation of patience during the holy month
The mental health consultant added that Ramadan is the most suitable time for teaching adults and children patience, starting with fasting, patience with hunger and thirst, and self-control for not committing sins, and she explained some steps that help the child to teach patience, including:
Set an example
The mental health consultant said that the child should see from his parents in Ramadan a good example, control his anger, and be patient, as there are many parents who lose their patience during Ramadan fasting and cannot control their emotions, so you must set an example for your child so that he learns patience from you. .
Control their emotions
Abu Al-Yazid added that the father and mother should be wise in meeting the requests of their children, and not listen to themselves, and the many requests until they learn that everything has a time and a specific implementation, and not be patient to reach something in time that makes it more delayed or did not come in the first place.
Preoccupation with activities
You can ask your child to indulge in many activities, so that he forgets the length of the Ramadan fasting time, and before his patience runs out to ask for food and break his fast, he can be occupied in doing some volunteer work, or helping you prepare food and travel or clean vegetables, period,wait,You should even talk to him about the value and benefits of patience,.
Ramadan teaches us
The value of patience
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Source : اخبار الاردن