6 tips will tell you.. How to overcome laziness during the day in Ramadan?
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
There are many pressures and responsibilities that a person faces in life, whether at home, work, or at the level of setting goals and achieving achievements, which makes many individuals resort to postponing tasks and accumulated pressures as a kind of escape from them, and in order for us to confront this negative habit, we must know the real reasons that make a person He resorts to thinking about requesting leave during the month of Ramadan, according to Reham Abdel Rahman, a family consultant and researcher in mental health.
Overcome laziness
Real reasons why people resort to procrastination:
Desire for instant gratification:
A person may resort to postponing some of his accumulated tasks because he is always in a hurry to get immediate results, such as a person saying to himself that I want to lose some weight, but I cannot wait or strive for that, because he wants to reach the ideal weight without any hardship or fatigue, but he rushes the results.
Not setting priorities:
Not developing a plan from the ground up to manage the goals that the individual wants to achieve prevents him from achieving them, in addition to the lack of priorities, which leads to the accumulation of pressures and responsibilities, and thus the human feeling of laziness and the desire to postpone..
There is no shame in a person mastering his work, but the defect in self-flagellation in order to reach perfection and the desire to gain the approval of others.
Waiting for the perfect time:
A person may wait for the ideal time to finish the tasks assigned to him, and this of course will waste him a lot of time and make him feel bored and psychological distress as a result of the accumulation of pressures and burdens..
In order for a person to be able to overcome the delay, especially in Ramadan, the following should be done:
– Creating a schedule and plan for tasks and dividing them into parts so that they can be completed in a timely manner, with the need to set goals that are compatible with our psychological and mental capabilities..
Raising the value of self-entitlement:
– Ensure to raise the value of your self-entitlement by not waiting for the approval of others and obtaining their admiration and satisfaction. Self-confidence means that the admiration or lack of others does not represent a value for a person, and therefore he must trust himself.
Obtaining a sufficient amount of rest helps the person to complete and accomplish the tasks required of him easily, but on the contrary, staying up late and not getting enough rest makes the person in a state of stress, anxiety, and the inability to accomplish goals..
Avoid dispersants:
The individual may want to complete tasks and not postpone them, but with the accumulation of other tasks and the presence of distractions that hinder a person from performing his work, such as preoccupation with social media, family disputes, and noise, all of which are distractions that hinder a person and make him feel bored and monotonous during the day in Ramadan..
Fighting laziness:
One of the most helpful ways to fight laziness is to exercise on a daily basis, as it provides the body with oxygen and helps to strengthen the physical and psychological immunity..
Avoid negative thinking:
Staying away from the spiral of negative thinking that makes a person think about past memories and regret it, and here it is necessary to look at the here and now and live the present moment..
Tips for overcoming procrastination
Tips for overcoming laziness
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Source : اخبار الاردن