5 ways to make your beloved woman happy and change her mood after Mother’s Day
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Easy and fun ways through which you can live in the atmosphere of celebrating Mother’s Day even after it ends, as it works to develop her psyche and change her mood for the better, so “The Seventh Day” reviews, during the following lines, the most prominent steps that help in the happiness of the beloved woman, according to what Life Coach Nashwa indicated. Jaber
Doing exercise
She told Live Coach to Youm7: “There can be several different ways to celebrate even after Mother’s Day and break the routine and boredom during the past days, so you can do exercise with the mother as a matter of comedy and train on some movements that help get rid of energies.” negative.
Make face masks and hairstyles:
You can make a special day for the mother when you make face masks and distinctive hairstyles that make her feel happy. You can also suggest that she participate in some home celebrations and listen to songs.
Face mask
Participate in cooking:
Make your mother’s favorite foods and present simple gifts that make her feel that today is her day and the pleasure is clearly her right, in addition to preparing some delicious desserts, and preparing the dinner in a new and different way.
Cooking with mom
House preparation:
Prepare the house on this day. Make a simple decoration that expresses the celebration. It is possible to put flowers in the corners of the house or change the places of some pieces of furniture, exchange them and decorate the balcony of the house in a nice way for the evening.
It is possible that you make a picture that brings you together with your sisters and your mother and put it on the same day in the most place where you sit, and you can present gifts that bring joy and happiness
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Source : اخبار الاردن