
3 types of worship and different ideas to implement them in Ramadan.. Teach them to your child

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The month of Ramadan is a unique and golden opportunity that can be used to teach children worship and its value, which can be easily established and continue with them until adulthood, because there are many types of worship that a child can require, starting from the age of 3 years, as explained by Ayat Naji, a human relations expert in Her talk to “The Seventh Day” is that a child at a young age is a fertile ground for instilling qualities, habits, and acts of worship in him, because his mind has nothing to occupy it.


3 types of worship and different ideas to implement in Ramadan

She added that there are many acts of worship that a child can learn to share in the month of Ramadan with his family, and she clarified them in points, namely: sensory worship, and she said that this type of worship depends on the heart, by offering love and sympathy to you who need it, clarity of mind and reverence for God – Glory be to Him. -.

Teaching a child to pray
Teaching a child to pray

Worship saying

Prayer and hope from God

It teaches the child to hear you praying to God, and he knows that God is the only one who achieves success in school or recovery while striving until he gets a toy he loves but did not get it, and teaches the child that one of the pillars of Islam is the testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, which is a phrase About verbal worship.

Forgiveness and praise

The need to teach the child from an early age that seeking forgiveness and glorification is part of drawing closer to God, in addition to reading and memorizing the Qur’an, seeking forgiveness and remembrance, as well as teaching them to talk to God Almighty all the time and not at a specific time of the day.

physical worship

This worship includes everything that can be done with the body, such as prayer, which is a worship that is available throughout the year, Hajj and Umrah are among the acts of worship that God Almighty has designated for the capable, and fasting. With these acts of worship, so that the child learns to implement them by instinct.

child behaviour
child behaviour


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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