
International Day of Happiness.. Learn about the simplest things that make a person happy

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Happiness is everyone’s endeavor, and everyone wants to be cheerful and happy all the time, but from the many pressures of life a person may forget himself and not find time for himself or for some life matters that may be of his own to do..

And on the International Day of Happiness, there are some simple things that a person can do in order to feel more happiness and joy without any cost, according to the site “hindustantimes“.


A person may feel some happiness in some simple things such as eating food or watching a comedy movie. It is known that there is no shortcut to happiness, and it may be some positive things that we do or set goals that we want to achieve or self-acceptance, that can give happiness.

Important things a person needs to be happy:

Self or self acceptance:

A person must be able to enjoy the moments and things around him, he must be happy and bright at first from the inside, which means self-acceptance and self-recognition while embracing and observing the self and not self-flagellation all the time.

To be among his loved ones:

Every person many times needs someone to rely on in all situations, someone who can share in sorrows and beautiful moments, whether with family, friends, or even a pet, because when a person has a partner, the matter will be different and happiness will definitely weaken.


The joy of giving:

It is certain that a person feels joy when he participates in something, whether he knows it or not, such as a smile, a sweet word, or a gift, which makes the life of the person and the other person better, which makes the day beautiful from its beginning.

Having something to look forward to:

Having a goal for a person is very important, and for this a person must define his goal in life and know what he wants and work to achieve it, which gives a sense of achievement and makes the person happy.

Maintaining health and fitness:

A person must maintain mental and physical health and keep the matter under control, which improves feelings, because indulging in physical exercises secretes serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of joy and happiness, and there are some things that bring happiness, such as meditation, which must be calm and relaxed.



#International #Day #Happiness #Learn #simplest #person #happy

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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