
Beauty tips for every girl for more confidence and self-love.. You will not need makeup

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Every person deserves love, respect, and tender feelings that help him to work and overcome the problems of life and the difficulties that may be encountered, and for this every person must love himself, and there are some tips for self-love with a focus on the self that makes the person happy, and every person knows what is appropriate for him to make him happy. And fun, and there are some cosmetic tips for the girl to increase confidence and self-love, according to the site “healthshots“.

Self love

Beauty tips for self-love

Set a morning routine

There are some aesthetic things that every girl can do, such as those important things that are represented in brushing the teeth every morning while cleaning the skin every day, while massaging the skin within the morning routine, when applying moisturizer and gently massaging with gentle circular motions.

Taking care of nourishing the skin

Vitamin C can be added to the skin routine, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps in collagen formation, fights free radicals, and gives the skin the glow that it may lack, and vitamin C can be made in the diet in the form of eating fruits such as strawberries, grapes, and citrus fruits such as oranges .

skin routine

skin routine

Hair pampering

A girl can feel self-love and happiness by taking care of her hair, because it is very important, because hair must be part of the beauty routine, by massaging the hair with natural products such as oils to relax the scalp and hair, to make it healthy without being exposed to dryness or brittleness.

Get some cosmetic treatments

For more feelings of self-confidence, the girl can rejuvenate the skin by doing microdermabrasion, or chemical peeling to restore the freshness of the skin and make it bright and attractive, and she can pamper herself more by doing a new pedicure and manicure, to feel refreshed and happy.

hair care
hair care


#Beauty #tips #girl #confidence #selflove #makeup

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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