
A photographer who specializes in taking close-up pictures of human eyes that look like volcanic craters

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The Austrian photographer, Marcus Hofstadter, was able to draw attention to him strongly, after specializing in taking distinctive pictures of the human eyes, as the human eye appears very close, and it looks like abyssal volcanic craters, millions of years old.

Hofstadter focuses on the terrain that has always been hidden in our eyes through extremely close-up images of human eyes, indicating that while working in taking pictures, he often focused on the eyes of the person in front of him, and he said: “There is a saying that states that the eyes are the door to the soul, And I agree with that, and you can see what a person is feeling by just looking at his eyes. The eyes can smile, be sad or surprised,” according to the website. CNN Arabic.

Attractive picture of an eye

Hofstadter began filming documenting billiards matches

Hofstadter’s adventures in the world of photography began by documenting billiards competitions all over the world, and he took his first close-up of a person’s eye in 2011, when he noticed the intense focus in one of the players’ eyes, and he was not satisfied with it, but wanted to focus on closer shots. , and helped him learn more from a special service for photographing the iris of the eye.

Close-up pictures of eyes
Close-up pictures of eyes

Backstage photography
Backstage photography

The photo takes 30 minutes

Describing the eyes, the photographer said that they look like mountains and valleys with a large lake, adding: “They could undoubtedly be a shore from a different planet, and some of them resemble flowers open with seeds to me.” He said that working with this level of magnification is difficult, pointing to the fact that “ Every little move is deadlyHe continued, “It sometimes takes me 30 minutes or more to take one successful photo.”

His works dazzled many people around the world, and what caught his attention most was the reactions of some ophthalmologists who had never seen pictures taken with this technique before, and Hofstadter confirmed: “My goal has always been to create works of art, abstract images, and something that the viewer can get lost in.” .

Photographing the eyes
Photographing the eyes


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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