Not anything they eat.. 4 zodiac signs are difficult to eat anything and their choices are distinctive
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Food is one of the pleasures of life, although there are those who live to eat but there are those who only eat what makes them live, and in either case there is no person who can eat food that he does not like or even just to accept its taste, everyone loves to indulge in the splendor of the taste of food, Of any kind, but some people have specific choices that they cannot deviate from, so they set specific controls for what they eat, and horoscope experts say that those who do this are only people under certain constellations, who are difficult to satisfy about their food choices, so the seventh day reviews the constellations to which it belongs. These individuals, according topinkvilla” as follows:
Aries are always described as having an impulsive and spontaneous personality, but when it comes to food, you find them shifting and setting certain conditions for their food that cannot be deviated from, and even if they do not find their own specifications, they take a long time to choose, to determine the foods or ingredients they want, so usually What they accuse of eating healthy and nutritious items, despite their cravings to try new food, end up eating refreshing foods to avoid indulging in guilt the next day.
Leos have a different way of eating than everyone else, they do not differentiate with them the type of food, but what they seek most is the shape of the dish and its luxurious and expensive ingredients, and it is preferable to go to an upscale restaurant to obtain appreciation on the dining table, so they always end up showing off A lot of different foods, even if they don’t enjoy the taste of food.
eat the food
People born in the sign of Libra are afraid of disease, so they always adhere to light and easy food that does not affect their health, and at the same time there is little effort in preparation, so they have no objection to eating the same food daily as long as it comforts them and does not affect them.
a corrosive person
Due to their uninhibited and free nature, Sagittarians love to travel to enjoy the food culture of the various culinary arts according to each country, so tasting exotic foods that have aromatic and unique spices is always their top priority, they even love to review the ingredients and explore the cooking method before putting anything in their mouths.
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Source : اخبار الاردن