
Natural recipes to intensify the eyebrows.. from castor oil to aloe vera gel

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Every woman wants to have thick eyebrows, so that she can show the beauty of her eyes and become more self-confident in front of others, and to achieve this, natural recipes for eyebrow thickening must be followed by following simple steps that we review in this report, according to what was mentioned by the “” food. ndtv“.

Natural recipes to intensify eyebrows

Castor oil recipe to intensify the eyebrows

Castor oil is an old and effective remedy for thicker eyebrows, because it contains a high percentage of proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins, so massage the eyebrows with some drops of castor oil through the tips of the fingers, leave the oil for 30 minutes, then wipe it with a makeup remover, And wash the face with warm water.

Natural ways to intensify eyebrows

Recipe olive oil to intensify eyebrows

Olive oil contains vitamins A And E Which helps in hair growth, also nourishes the vitamin E Each strand of hair, while vitamin A stimulates the production of sebum, and for this reason it is recommended to pour a drop of olive oil on the tips of the fingers and massage the eyebrows, and wait for two hours, then wash the face with water.

Natural ways to intensify eyebrows
Natural ways to intensify eyebrows

Egg yolk recipe to intensify eyebrows

Eggs are a great source of protein, and the egg yolk is also a rich source of biotin, which helps in the growth of eyebrows, and for this reason it is recommended to separate the egg yolk from the white and put it on the eyebrows using a cotton swab or a brush, leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it with warm water, noting that the egg yolk It may cause clogged pores and acne, so it is preferable to use it in moderation.

Natural recipes to intensify eyebrows
Natural recipes to intensify eyebrows

Aloe vera gel recipe to intensify the eyebrows

Aloe vera contains a compound called aloinin, which promotes hair growth, gives it elasticity and prevents strands from breaking, so it helps in the growth of eyebrow hair. For this reason, it is recommended to prepare aloe vera gel, massage the eyebrows with it, wait for the eyebrows to absorb the aloe vera gel, and store the rest of it in the refrigerator.


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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