Are you a good friend? Know the most important thing anyone needs from a friend
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Has your boyfriend ever embarrassed you and brought out the worst in you? Have you ever felt that you feel shy and feel insecure in the presence of your friend? There are many situations that happen from friends, perhaps unintentionally, but this happens as a result of lack of interest and care in friendship. Friendship is like a plant that must always be supported by water and air in order for it to grow, and this is what he will review The seventh day to maintain a true friendship, and what an individual needs from his friend, according to the “joinonelove” website, as follows.
Confidence in a friend is one of the most important needs between the two friends, to strengthen that relationship, through that you can rely on each other, and take care of him and what he says and does, having confidentiality and respect for privacy, not ridiculing actions, especially in front of the West on your behalf, so a trustworthy friend is the one who can Talk to him about a personal issue facing you, knowing that what is said will remain between you and he will not judge you or the circumstances.
the friendship
Equality is one of the most important elements in friendships. For example, just because a friend is assertive doesn’t mean they have to dominate everyone else. A shy friend naturally has to challenge themselves to talk about things they like to do, like watch a certain movie. Or eating in a new place, without worrying about being rejected or disappointed by a friend, both friends should be able to make decisions together and come to a compromise between them.
The importance of friendship
Compassion is when you are able to be sympathetic and honest with your friends. This is a requirement for a healthy friendship because it is important to have friends you can rely on, and they do not diminish your feelings, no matter how easy it is for them. For example, there are those who believe that dealing with animals is useless, and there are On the contrary, when your friend’s dog dies, you must be merciful and sympathetic to him, and avoid making fun of him.
Honesty is an essential requirement for a strong and successful friendship because hiding the truth or lying is one of the worst ways to harm those we love, whether it is something as simple as whether you like your friend’s clothes or not, or something more important, lack of honesty spoils the very foundation of friendship.
The importance of a friend
It is always important to be independent from your friend and to allow your friend to have his or her personal space as well. It is never healthy to always need your friend’s company and constant attention.
#good #friend #important #friend
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Source : اخبار الاردن