Social or daring.. What does the color of your mobile phone say about your personality?
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Anyone may choose the mobile phone for its advanced capabilities that help him accomplish his tasks as quickly as possible, but some do not realize that his choice of a specific color may indicate some of his personal characteristics and this is what we review in the report, according to what was mentioned by the “” whatgadget“.
What does the color of your mobile phone say about your personality?
Orange mobile
The color of the orange mobile phone symbolizes a kind and sociable person who seeks all the time to form friendships with those around him, and is happy to be in gathering places, and is always characterized by lightness and seriousness at the same time.
Orange color
Golden mobile
The golden color always symbolizes victory and wealth, as it is a precious metal, and whoever loves this color is characterized by his constant endeavor to compete with those around him, and his wisdom and sympathy with others, so he is always loved by everyone, and these qualities are believed to be possessed by fans of the golden mobile phone.
Golden color
Green mobile
The person who prefers to carry a green mobile phone is characterized by activity and vitality, the constant pursuit of justice and peace, a sense of spiritual serenity, calmness, and avoidance of living in a dramatic atmosphere, and he always strives to develop himself and collect money.
green color
Purple mobile
The person who prefers to carry a mobile phone with a purple color is characterized by boldness, elegance, intelligence as well, and creativity.
Blue mobile
Lovers of owning a blue mobile are characterized by strength and self-confidence, as well as calmness and constant striving for a sense of stability. He also studies all the time any step he takes, and speaks with the utmost confidence and does not deliberately raise his voice when speaking, due to his extreme self-confidence.
the colour blue
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Source : اخبار الاردن