
“Emotional waste” .. Can some places retain negative energy?

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Our association with some places may not be due to their location or that we only own them, but there are some places we are attached to because of our memories of them, whether these memories are good or bad, and according to one theory, some places retain traces of the feelings of people who lived there previously, so the seventh day reviews how Some places hold bad feelings or negative energy according to energy science and how to get rid of them, according to the website “popularmechanics“.

old houses

Can some places hold negative energy?

According to the science of energy, especially the energy of the place, before buying a house or living in it, you should know the history of this house, who used to live in it before you, and how his life was in it, even if you only know this information superficially. charged with great negative energy.

place energy
place energy

The emotional hangover theory

There is a theory according to energetics called the emotional hangover theory, which are emotions that have the ability to “infect” or “lighten” the surroundings of a physical space even after their source has moved physically to a new place (the source is the former inhabitants), according to the phenomenon of emotional residue, although Although the theory likely arose from ancient beliefs that places are influenced by people, it has nonetheless become the focal point of many legitimate studies in the field of psychology.

The possible explanation is that the human nervous system is able to pick up the chemical signals that the body releases through sweat and tears. Studies have found that places in which a lot of tears are shed invite depression and sadness, such as cemeteries. Also, houses in which crying occurs greatly turn into a cemetery or a prison. He has no soul.

Buying a home
Buying a home

How to get rid of bad feelings

In order to get rid of these bad feelings, according to the science of energy, when you buy a new home, especially if you know that it has a painful and sad history, you should try to change details such as replacing the walls or building some of them, while changing the colors of the walls and floors, with the need to wipe the floors with water, salt and natural scents, with Putting plants and flowers suitable for you and the corners of your new home, while playing music that radiates life, such as the music accompanying the chirping of birds or the sound of the sea, to renew the energy of your home and build your new memories with positive energy in it.


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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