
Who will succeed the dismissed deputy in his vacant seat?

Amman Today

publish date 2023-01-18 14:11:36

The House of Representatives decided, in a closed legislative session, on Wednesday, to approve the dismissal of Representative Muhammad Enad Al-Fayez, after 92 out of 110 deputies voted on the Legal Committee’s decision regarding the deputy, according to a reporter.The kingdom.”

The decision of the Legal Committee against Al-Fayez came after confirming his violation of parliamentary and diplomatic norms with regard to the manner of addressing and insulting him in a letter addressed to a sister Arab country and defaming the Kingdom through it, and violating the provisions of Articles 154 and 155/1 of the House of Representatives rules of procedure related to absence from Parliament sessions. In addition to perjury of the legal oath, unjustly receiving financial allocations during his absence from the parliament, and violating the provisions and rules of the parliamentary code of conduct.

Representative Jaafar Al-Raba’a said in a statement to:The kingdomThe Legal Committee relied on recommending the dismissal of Representative Muhammad Al-Fayez for 3 pillars, namely, “his letter to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding aid, his absence from the parliament for about a year, and his receipt of a wage despite his absence.”

– vacancy on the board –

The Independent Election Commission confirmed in a previous statement to “The kingdomThat the House of Representatives is supposed to notify the Independent Election Commission of the decision to dismiss Representative Al-Fayez and the existence of a vacancy in the House of Representatives through an official letter, in accordance with the law and the constitution.

The Commission indicated that the period specified by the law and the constitution is a month, “Within a month, the Commission must receive this letter, and at that time the Commission will respond with a letter showing the person following the dismissed representative on the same list, and then the Council will take the procedures pertaining to it by inviting the candidate who follows him in terms of the number of votes to take the oath and become substitute for the dismissed deputy.

“If this person refuses the procedure, it is to move to the next person because the seat is for the list according to the law and according to the relative list system, the seat is for the list, and therefore the seat remains for the list.

Article 54 of the Election Law states that “if any seat in the House of Representatives becomes vacant for any reason, then this seat will be filled by one of the candidates of the list from which the holder of the vacant seat won, according to the number of votes for each candidate in it. If this is not possible, then the vacant seat will be filled by one of them.” The candidates of the list that follows directly according to the percentage obtained.

Representative Muhammad Enad Al-Fayez won the 19th House of Representatives elections on behalf of Al-Ahed’s list in the Central Bedouin constituency in the Central Badia Governorate. 2912 votes, according to the results published in the Official Gazette.

And the Nineteenth Parliament, specifically in June 2021, previously dismissed another deputy (Osama Al-Rahil), after “offensive” statements he made.

And in January 2022, the House of Representatives decided, in a closed session, to freeze the membership of Representative Hassan Al-Riyati for a period of two years, after “a fight that occurred in the first session of the House of Representatives regarding constitutional amendments.”

The kingdom

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Parliament of Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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