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The tax office calls for submitting an income declaration for the year 2022 electronically

Amman Today

publish date 2023-01-15 13:10:15

The Income and Sales Tax Department called on all taxpayers to submit income tax declarations for their incomes achieved during the fiscal year 2022 electronically and to pay the amounts declared therein by means of electronic payment.
And I asked them to fill out these declarations with factual and correct information that express their real income from the reality of their business activities during the past year 2022.
The department indicated that the submission of declarations is done electronically through the department’s website www.istd.gov.jo
For all categories of taxpayers, users, individuals, companies and development areas, by entering the previous electronic link and selecting the electronic services icon. I asked the taxpayers to submit the declarations as soon as possible and not to be late and wait for their submission at the end of the legal period.
She indicated that the natural person (employees and individuals) is obliged to submit an income tax return if his total annual income from all sources of income or from business activities, including salaries and wages, exceeds 9 thousand dinars for the non-breadwinner and 18 thousand dinars for the breadwinner.
And she indicated that the monthly deduction of income tax from salaries and wages by the employer does not exempt taxpayers whose annual income exceeds the limit set for exemptions from submitting income tax returns.
On the other hand, the department called on financial managers to supply income tax deductions from salaries and wages for employees and employees on a monthly basis, in proportion to the volume of personal and family exemptions approved by the Income Tax Law, which specified the volume of personal and family exemptions at nine thousand dinars each.
It also called for the need to supply monthly salary deductions for any employee or employee who is single or without a breadwinner whose total monthly salary or income exceeds 750 dinars, and the breadwinner if his total monthly salary or income exceeds 1,500 dinars.
The department thanked all taxpayers for their legal commitment during the past year 2022, their submission of tax returns on the legally specified dates, their commitment to perform their financial obligations without delay, and their response to using electronic services in dealing with the department.
She explained that taxpayers who hold tax numbers and who have not yet subscribed to e-government services can obtain a password that enables them to deal and obtain the services of the department electronically without visiting the department by entering the website and selecting the electronic services icon, then choosing a new user address where the taxpayer can Enter the user name that represents the tax number and complete the rest of the steps to obtain the password that enables him to submit the declaration electronically and obtain all the services provided by the department electronically.

#tax #office #calls #submitting #income #declaration #year #electronically

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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