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Assurance managers appointed with “paralysis and nepotism”

Amman Today

publish date 2023-01-02 12:00:01

Compass – Amman

Representative Fawaz Al-Zoubi considered that social security funds are a matter of national security and the future of the generations of the Jordanian people. Our great misfortune is in “paralysis and nepotism,” especially when we brought in a social security manager from a bank and he wanted to buy the banks’ shares with paralysis and nepotism. He made the purchase and cost the social security a billion Jordanian dinars.

“The shares suddenly fell at the expense of the Jordanian people, and the great disaster is when we bring a person from outside Jordan and put him as the director of the social security, and he does not know what the security laws are, and he destroyed their funds,” Al-Zoubi said during the session of representatives on Monday, which was held to discuss the amendments to the draft social security law.

He added, “The Director of Social Security must be no different from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in terms of belonging to the homeland. This is the security of our generations. The Director General of Social Security must not come by lineage or friendship, and he must be scrutinized for security, especially the investment department.”

The House of Representatives began, in a legislative session, on Monday, to discuss a draft law amending the Social Security Law for the year 2022, while giving it the status of urgency.

The Council of Ministers approved the draft law on December 27, as the project aims to strengthen the governance of the Social Security Corporation by amending the mechanism for appointing the chairman of the institution’s board of directors so that the board of directors is chaired by a minister who is named by the Council of Ministers based on the prime minister’s recommendation.

It includes amending the mechanism for appointing the vice-chairman of the board of directors so that the board elects from among its members a vice-chairman other than the general manager of the institution and the head of the social security funds investment fund, as well as amending the mechanism for appointing the vice-chairman of the social security funds investment board so that the investment board elects him from among its members. So that he is not the head of the Social Security Fund Investment Fund, or the general manager of the Social Security Corporation.

The bill also includes; Procedures to motivate private sector establishments to employ unemployed youth by enabling them to reduce the rates of contributions resulting from their inclusion in the provisions of the law.

It also aims to provide more protection for the insured woman by amending the conditions for entitlement to maternity leave allowance, and to achieve more social protection for the divorced or widowed daughter and sister, by granting her a share of the salary of her deceased father or brother.

#Assurance #managers #appointed #paralysis #nepotism

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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