Ways to get rid of bad shoe smell caused by rain or other reasons
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Sometimes we fall into a shock when we buy new shoes, with a distinctive shape, and fit the shape of our legs and our clothes, and after wearing them, we notice that it smells of an unpleasant odor that cannot be accepted inside or outside the house, because it causes great embarrassment to the wearer, and despite the cleanliness of our feet before wearing them, the question Here, “How can I remove the smell from my shoes, and what is causing it?” The reason for that smell is due to a type of bacteria that grows in large numbers on the feet, especially if the shoe is very closed. While these types of bacteria are not harmful, they can leave an odor. A lingering odor, which increases with the wetness of the shoes, whether as a result of rain or other reasons, so “The Seventh Day” reviews several different ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes, according to the “Seventh Day” website.homemadesimple” As follows:
Baking soda
You can use baking soda to get rid of all unpleasant odors, as it absorbs unpleasant odors and bacteria, and there are two different ways to use baking soda to remove unpleasant odors from shoes as follows:
Getting rid of bad shoe smell
The first method: mix half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of cornstarch, then put them in a pair of cotton socks and put them in both shoes and leave them overnight, and you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
Method 2: Take the previous mixture and spread it in the shoes. If you want to keep it simple, sprinkle baking soda directly into the shoes and leave it for at least 24 hours, then shake it off and put your shoes on.

Feet smell
Vinegar is used to permanently get rid of bacteria in shoes. All you have to do is mix white vinegar with water in equal parts in a spray bottle. Spray the solution inside the shoes after use and leave it to dry, repeating this step after each wear.
Soap is another home remedy to remove the bad smell from sports shoes, by dropping a piece of soap in each shoe and leaving it overnight, so the soap kills bacteria and the smell that they produce, and the soap absorbs the smell and replaces it with a clean soapy smell, with the need to make sure that the soap is not wet before.

Shoe smell
wear socks
Not wearing socks is a sure way to make your shoes smell bad. Socks absorb sweat and moisture from warm feet, especially if your feet sweat a lot.
Use of essential oils
Tea tree, clove, and cedarwood essential oils are all considered deodorants because they have antifungal properties, a study published in December 2007 in the journal Nature found. Mycobiology Which confirmed that clove essential oil strongly inhibits the growth of bacteria on the feet to eliminate where these oils pose a triple threat, which is to fight bacteria, eliminate odor and leave a pleasant smell, so it is recommended to put a few drops of essential oil directly in the shoes and let it dry in the air.
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Source : اخبار الاردن