
Natural recipes to treat skin scars.. to get a flawless face

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Some people face the problem of the spread of scars on the face for various reasons, including acne, which causes them to feel embarrassed, so they are keen to hide them in any way, and this problem can be treated by following natural recipes to treat skin scars by following simple steps, which we review in this report, According to the site “sprsi“.

Natural recipes for the treatment of skin scars

Aloe vera gel recipe for skin scars

It is recommended to get the gel from an aloe vera leaf or buy aloe vera gel from any commercial store, then gently apply the clear gel to the scars twice a day by following a circular motion, leaving it on the face for up to 30 minutes, then washing the skin with cold water.

Natural ways to treat skin scars

Apple cider vinegar recipe for skin scars

It is recommended to prepare a mixture of a few tablespoons of distilled water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, then dip a cotton ball in the solution and put the mixture on the scars and cover it with a bandage or a piece of tape, leave it for several minutes and then wash the skin to get a positive result.

Recipes for the treatment of skin scars
Recipes for the treatment of skin scars

Lavender oil recipe for skin scars

It is recommended to put three drops of lavender oil with about three tablespoons of virgin olive oil, mix the mixture, then massage the scars with the mixture and leave it for five minutes, then wash the skin with water to get a positive result.

Natural recipes for the treatment of skin scars
Natural recipes for the treatment of skin scars

Lemon juice recipe to treat skin scars

Lemon juice should be applied to the scar by using a piece of cloth, and left on the skin for a few minutes before washing it with water, as lemon helps remove dead skin cells and can reduce redness or the appearance of scars, with the recipe being repeated regularly to get a positive result..

Honey recipe to treat skin scars

It is recommended to put honey on the scars and cover them with a bandage overnight, then wash the scar in the morning and repeat the recipe every night.


#Natural #recipes #treat #skin #scars #flawless #face

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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