To get rid of the rumen easily.. Different tips to get rid of belly fat
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Some feel embarrassed and disturbed by the excess belly fat that appears prominent when wearing clothes, so he searches for all the different ways that help him get rid of the fat, which we review in this report, according to what was mentioned by the site “hopkinsmedicine“.
Tips to get rid of belly fat
healthy diet
You must follow a healthy diet that contains foods that are low in carbohydrates and do not contain a high percentage of sugar. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid bread, cakes and soft drinks, and adhere to eating foods rich in dietary fiber or containing a high percentage of protein, such as vegetables, beans and healthy red meat free from fat.
Getting rid of belly fat in different ways
Doing exercise
Physical activity helps burn belly fat, so it is recommended to exercise daily for a period of 30 to 60 minutes to get rid of belly fat.
Doing exercise
The addition of moderate strength training helps build lean muscle mass, which increases the burning of more calories throughout the day, both at rest and during exercise.
Avoid processed foods
It is best to avoid eating packaged and snack foods that are high in trans fats, added sugar, salt or sodium, as these foods make it difficult to reduce fat.
Ignore the scale reading
The reading of the scale may not change when adding muscle mass and losing some fat, so it is preferable to pay attention only to changing clothing sizes and not to the scale in order to avoid feeling frustrated and continuing to get rid of fat to reach a fit, athletic body.
Getting rid of belly fat
Hiking with health conscious friends
Scientific research has shown that a person is more willing to eat better and exercise more if his friends and family do the same, so it is important for a person to have friendships with people who are interested in a healthy diet in order to become like them.
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Source : اخبار الاردن