
Lost and Found Day.. Items whose loss causes disasters, the most important of which is the credit card

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

We try all the time to race against time in order to be able to accomplish the necessary tasks entrusted to us, whether related to our work or our personal life, and during that we may lose many important items due to our haste, and on the occasion of Found and Found Day, we review in this report the items that we lose a lot and cause us problems.

Things we lose most of the time


Our delay in going to a place, whether to work or to an appointment with a friend or relative, may cause us to forget our mobile phone, which causes us to cut off communication with our friends, families, relatives, and colleagues at work or study, and we are also unable to communicate with any party that helps us if something happens. Any emergency.

cell phone

home key

Our feeling of annoyance, anxiety, and fear of being late for work or any important date for us also causes us to forget the house key, which we only realized when we returned from abroad, and causes us to feel inconvenienced and pushes us to search for different solutions to solve this problem.


own bag or purse

We keep our important things in our bag or wallet, such as money and credit cards as well as house keys and other important items in our daily lives, and our preoccupation with arriving early to an important appointment or continuing to talk to someone, or even thinking about an important matter, causes us to forget the bag. somewhere, or the wallet, which causes the loss of many important items if we stumble on the presence of the bag.

Loss of important items
Loss of important items

Work locker key

Some employees keep the most important papers related to the work in a specific locker, and one of them becomes responsible for carrying the key to this locker, but he may lose it somewhere, for various reasons, the most important of which is his negligence and lack of awareness of the importance of the key for the institution in which he works, which causes the workflow to be disrupted for some time so that his colleagues can Find a solution to this problem.

Credit card

Many of us deal with a credit card all the time, but some may forget the card somewhere outside the home, which causes it to be stolen, and the person may not realize its loss until it is too late.


#Lost #Day #Items #loss #disasters #important #credit #card

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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