
An Australian woman wins the first prize in the nature photography competition for a snapshot of the “ghost mushroom”. Pictures

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

An Australian photographer went to the dark and damp forests in search of ghosts that glow in the dark of the night, or what is known as “ghost mushrooms”. Ghost in the Southern Highlands in New South Wales, Australia CNN Arabic.

Glowing mushrooms

“Ghost mushroom”, he got this nickname due to his frightening green glow at night in complete darkness, and Kali Che started taking pictures of it since 2018, and the “ghost mushroom” grows, and its scientific name is “Omphalotus nidiformisin certain forests in Australia, particularly in the forests of Tasmania and the southern states.

Luminous mushrooms
Luminous mushrooms

For her part, Kali Chi said she is passionate about photographing exotic landscapes that come to life in the dark. “Night photography has always been a passion of mine,” she said, noting that she finds excitement in searching for and photographing bioluminescent organisms in nature.

Glowing Ghost Mushroom

Glowing Ghost Mushroom

Ghost Light Mushroom

Ghost Light Mushroom

However, it is not easy to find such creatures, which makes the photos she takes unique and interesting. Qi revealed that some types of luminous mushrooms are seasonal and can be found in the forests that help grow them.

Ghost mushroom

Ghost mushroom

In the tropics, luminous mushrooms usually grow throughout the year, but at different stages. Chi was looking for luminous mushrooms during daylight hours, knowing what they look like in bright sunlight, and Qi confirmed that she had also received help from local wildlife rangers in finding them. on luminous fungi.

On her recent trip to Singapore, Chi was able to take many photos of a unique mushroom, Mycenae chlorophos, which is a luminous fungus, and by far the most glow-in-the-dark of all luminous fungi, according to her. Chi.

Glowing mushroom

Glowing mushroom


#Australian #woman #wins #prize #nature #photography #competition #snapshot #ghost #mushroom #Pictures

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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