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Repeating memorization courses for Tawjihi students

Amman Today

publish date 2022-09-18 12:25:43

The Compass – The Director of Examinations and Tests Department at the Ministry of Education, Muhammad Kenana, said that the ministry has returned to the original with a view to restoring memorization courses for high school students.

In an interview with the news bulletin on Radio Hayat FM, Kenana added that the cancellation of memorization courses, such as poetic verses and Quranic verses, was an exception to relieve students in the Corona pandemic.

Kenana indicated that the ministry circulated to the directorates of education approving the memorization courses in the tawjihi exam for the academic year 2022-2023.

He pointed out that the courses are represented in the memorization course for the Arabic language study “common culture” for academic branches and Sharia schools contained in the book issued by the Curriculum and Textbooks Department on August 24, 2022, in addition to the memorization course for the units required in the Arabic language study for professional branches. .

Kanana confirmed that the memorization course for the Arabic language subject for a literary and legal sub-specialty is required in the exam, as well as the memorization course for the Islamic education subject “common culture” referred to in the 12th grade Islamic education book / first edition 2018-2022.

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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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