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How does heat affect the human body?

Amman Today

publish date 2022-08-25 12:53:35

Years ago, at least 15,000 people died directly or indirectly from temperatures rising to more than 40 degrees Celsius in Europe.

This summer, temperatures rise on record, due to the impact of climate changes that play a major negative role, and infect people with many diseases, especially the elderly and young children. The human body usually tolerates temperatures between 36 and 38 degrees Celsius, as human cells and organs function normally to maintain the internal temperature.

The American magazine “The Time” writes that “when the external temperature exceeds that internal body temperature set by 37 degrees, the body automatically begins to resist heat through a process called cooling and evaporation, or sweating, where the capillaries expand in an attempt to cool the body. But when the humidity is high, sweating becomes less effective because the humid air does not cool the blood, so the core temperature of the body rises.”

Public health specialist Dr. Kamal Yassin told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: “The body can withstand temperatures at certain limits that do not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. It is actually adapted to resist temperatures through neurons that send signals to the skin and muscles to monitor changes.

When the temperature rises, the brain gives a quick signal that it is thirsty and starts to sweat, in a process that keeps the body in balance, but in some cases this method may not work normally.” He adds: “People with chronic diseases or elderly people may become more susceptible to dehydration, knowing that medicines such as those that treat diabetes make their resistance to heat slower, and thus they feel health ailments, such as swelling in the feet and hands, dizziness, or a drop in blood pressure. , and rapid heartbeat. In general, dealing with high temperatures requires drinking good amounts of water daily to keep the body hydrated, and staying away from work that requires being under the sun, especially during peak times.”

It is true that the process of cooling the body may be very ideal to resist high temperatures, but excessive sweating may sometimes cause health problems even in the elderly, according to Yassin, who explains that “the secretion of large amounts of sweating may stress the heart muscle in the elderly and those with chronic diseases.” Which means that it is best to keep them in places that are as cool as possible.

And the French newspaper “Le Monde” quotes the head of the emergency department at the Petit Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, Pierre Hausfatter, as saying that “the human body can usually excrete evaporated sweat. In extreme conditions, the body loses greater amounts of sweat, and if the body is not hydrated through water and beverages, it can affect the organs.” He continues: “Excretion of large amounts of water from the human body may be a problem for elderly people, because it requires increased blood flow to the skin, which may lead to disorders in blood vessels, and their flow to cells.”

What is heat stroke?
With the rise in temperatures, there is talk about the possibility of people getting heat stroke, which is a metaphor, which means, according to a report published by the American medical website “Mayo Clinic”, an increase in body temperatures as a result of exposure to sunlight for long periods of more than 40 degrees Celsius. Untreated heatstroke can quickly damage the brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles, and in certain cases may even lead to death.

Children are usually exposed to this type of disease, because their bodies are still not accustomed to facing high temperatures, according to what pediatrician Ghassan Farran explains to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, as he says that “children are more sensitive to heat stroke symptoms, such as high temperatures. Diarrhea, fatigue and delirium, and the possibility of ulcers or skin diseases.” He added: “With the intensification of temperatures, care must be taken, and children should not go out in the sun between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon.”

Fran does not deny the effects of heat stroke on adults and children alike. He states that “if the core temperature continues to rise to more than 40 degrees Celsius, the organs begin to shut down and the cells deteriorate, which can stress and stop the heart. Patients may begin to hallucinate or have seizures.”

Both Yassin and Farran agree that sun protection may be the best way to protect young and old, which requires them to avoid staying in the sun for long periods, and young people specifically eat between 4 to 6 cups of water, and adults 8 cups of water, in addition to drinking other liquids such as juices, And stay in cool places. Fran recommends not to eat foods that are prepared outside the home, because they may be contaminated or poisoned due to high temperatures, which may lead to several problems in the human body.

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Source : اخبار الاردن

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