The Al-Aqsa fire continues and the occupation is ending (witness)
Amman Today
publish date 2022-08-24 21:37:37
Al-Thneibat: The Al-Aqsa fire continues and the Arab silence on the attacks reaches the point of complicity
Al-Khatib: Zionist dreams will be shattered as the Crusades were shattered
Al-Muqri: The West is convinced that the occupation cannot continue
Al-Omari: The support of Al-Aqsa must be raised to the highest levels
Khreisha: Normalization is an acknowledgment of the Jewish narrative at the expense of the Islamic narrative
Abu Al-Haj: We will light the lanterns of Al-Aqsa so that he remains dear despite the challenges
Oman – Compass
Forums stressed that the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque is the issue of every Muslim, and the incident of burning it is a painful memory for every Arab and Muslim.
And they said in a webinar organized by the Islamic Movement on Wednesday entitled “On the Anniversary of His Burning, Let’s Light the Lamps of His Resilience,” that liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque and working for it is a project that everyone must join and support.
Thneibat: a fire max continuous and silence Arabi on me attacks Reaches Limit complicity
The General Comptroller of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, Engineer Abdul Hameed Al-Thneibat, said that despite the passage of 53 years since the crime of burning Al-Aqsa Mosque, the crimes of the occupation continue against the mosque, and in light of Arab silence that amounts to complicity.
Al-Thneibat added that the fire continues through the expulsion of Jerusalemites, excavations, Judaization and settlement, and the imposition of temporal and spatial division.
He pointed out that Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque are not geographically interchangeable, for Al-Aqsa is a doctrine and is the origin and what is below it is branches.
And he indicated that since the beginning of the Zionist occupation, Al-Aqsa Mosque has been the detonator of revolutions since the Al-Buraq Revolution and even the Sword of Jerusalem.
Al-Thneibat said that this anniversary is not for the silts, but rather to remind and defend the cause and contribute to the liberation project, as Al-Aqsa needs support in all forms and ways.
He saluted the Almoravids and the Al-Murabitat at the gates and in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and in Jerusalem and its neighborhoods, calling on the Palestinian people to strengthen the bond in Al-Aqsa and to make their journeys and stay in it.
The General Comptroller called on the Palestinian people’s factions to unite in the project of resistance and defense of holy sites. It is time to leave the Oslo Square and stop security coordination with the occupier.
And he called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which was established because of the crime of burning Al-Aqsa Mosque, to carry out its duty and carry out its responsibility and defend Al-Aqsa. History is merciless and God will ask us.
Al-Thneibat called on the peoples of the nation to support Palestine by all means and pressure the governments to stop the projects of normalization with the occupation.
Al-Thneibat called on the rulers to return “to their senses” and agree with the positions of their people and not be satisfied with the satisfaction of the Americans, who have always proven that they abandon their allies.
He said that it is necessary to include Jerusalem sciences as a basic teaching subject in Arab universities so that generations know the true story of events.
Khatib: dreams Zionism it will crash as such crashed crusade
In turn, Sheikh Kamal Khatib, deputy head of the Islamic movement inside the occupied territories, said that talking about the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is a talk about a verse in the Book of God, as it is never an issue that concerns the Palestinians and is no longer an issue that concerns Arabs alone, but rather the issue of all Muslims.
Al-Khatib added that the anniversary of the burning of the Blessed Mosque is a slap to every Muslim and every human being, because the houses of God Almighty were universally, humanely and morally recognized as places that should not be affected by sin and treachery. Hajj Al-Husseini has a message asking him to allow the Jews to follow in the mosque.
He pointed out that this Zionist hatred reached its climax with the crime of burning Al-Aqsa, and it was not a coincidence that the fire came on the pulpit of Salah al-Din, as they wanted to burn in us all the meanings of pride and loftiness.
He wondered about the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which was established to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and whose members are now panting behind normalization. Do these people really seek to rid the sanctities of the Zionist occupation, or are they just hollow slogans to appease the peoples?
Al-Khatib said that just as the dreams of the Crusades on the walls of the Al-Aqsa Mosque were shattered, so will the dreams and claims of the Zionist movement, for they do not have an iota of dust in it, and my words are not only for the occupation, but for the signatories to the Abrahamic agreements.
He stressed that the countries that signed these agreements are partners in the daily attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque.
He stressed that the status of Al-Aqsa Mosque will remain in the hearts of the people of the nation, generation after generation, and will always increase. Today, there are those who build pulpits for Al-Aqsa Mosque to place them in the mosque on the day of liberation.
Al-Khatib warned the official systems that history will not be merciful and you still have a golden opportunity to contribute to the defense of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
He said that the occupation’s talk about the eighth decade and its approaching end does not come from a vacuum, and a day will come and we will all pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Al-Muqari: the West convinced not capacity Occupation on me Continuation
For his part, Abdel-Razzaq Al-Maqri, head of the Algerian Society of Peace Movement, said that the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque is the issue of every Muslim, and for us as Algerians, it is a national issue par excellence.
Al-Maqri added that we do not only support our brothers who are stationed on the frontiers, but in defending Al-Aqsa, we work for our countries and work for them.
He pointed out that the Algerians and Moroccans have endowments in Jerusalem, which were endowed by the leader Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi for the two peoples after their fight with him.
And he indicated that the land of Palestine is blessed, and its blessing increased the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in it. Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi did not liberate all of Palestine, but rather liberated Jerusalem, and that is why any achievement in Palestine without Jerusalem will remain incomplete.
Al-Muqri said that liberation is close, and I heard with my ears from Western diplomats that the occupation no longer has the possibility to continue, and you all remember Netanyahu’s words that his role in governance aims to secure the occupation for a century.
He stressed that this talk is not arbitrary, but is based on several foundations, as the pillars of the occupation’s existence are fading little by little, and this is clear to everyone who follows the developments of the Palestinian cause.
Al-Muqri stressed that the steadfastness of the Palestinians and their defense of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque astonishes the whole world and puzzles the Zionist entity and does not find a solution for it.
He said that the military development of the occupation no longer serves it, as the resistance’s missiles are the precursor to its demise, and I have seen a Western study confirming that missile strikes are a manifestation of the end of the entity.
Omari: no bad From Upgrade supported max to me higher levels
In turn, Dr. Ahmed Al-Omari, head of the Al-Quds Committee in the International Union of Muslim Scholars, said that when we remember this painful event, we are not surprised by this behavior of those who killed the prophets.
Al-Omari added that the duty of the nation’s scholars is to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque, so targeting Al-Aqsa is targeting the leadership of a Messenger of God to all the prophets.
He pointed out that targeting Al-Aqsa Mosque is targeting the nation’s dignity, pride and vitality, and Al-Aqsa and its freedom is the title of the nation’s life.
He stressed the need to provide support to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Jerusalemites, not only to the minimum level, but to raise the highest levels of support.
In a letter to the printers, Al-Omari said that you are typing with those whom God said that they break covenants and covenants.
krishna: normalization he is recognition by the novel Judaism on me account the novel Islamic
In his speech, Hassan Khreisheh, deputy in the Palestinian Legislative Council, said that the burning of Al-Aqsa Mosque constituted one of the Zionist crimes aimed at ending all national, cultural and religious symbols of the Palestinian people.
Khreisheh added that the Crusaders turned Al-Aqsa into stables for their horses, the Crusaders were defeated, Al-Aqsa Mosque remained, and it will remain majestic, and the occupation will be defeated.
And he indicated that no matter what the occupation measures and the rush of the printing press, the Palestinian will not give up his land and its sanctities.
Khreisheh condemned normalization with the occupation, whether it was fought by individuals, governments or institutions. Every normalization is a recognition of the Jewish narrative at the expense of the Islamic one.
Abu pilgrim: we will light jellyfish max to stay dear despite Challenges
The director of the symposium, Hossam Abu Al-Haj, said, “We always hope that the Islamic nation will unite on the qiblah of Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.”
Abu Al-Hajj added that this symposium comes in a painful memory for the heart of every Muslim, and we will light the lamps of Al-Aqsa Mosque so that it remains dear despite the challenges.
#AlAqsa #fire #continues #occupation #witness
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن