For a radiant light skin.. 5 easy and effective coffee masks
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Coffee helps to lighten the skin and makes it glow significantly, making it fresh and bright, because coffee is full of antioxidants and anti-aging properties, and promotes healthy skin.
For a radiant and fresh skin, face masks can be made, for a more youthful skin, according to the website.healthshots“.
Coffee and honey face mask
To make a coffee and honey mask, we need a tablespoon of coffee powder and a tablespoon of honey, mix the two ingredients well in a small bowl, put the paste on the entire skin and massage it gently, avoiding the eye area. The mask can be kept on the face for 20 minutes, and rinse with cold water.
The coffee and honey face mask is an ideal combination for moisturizing the skin and reducing signs of aging, such as wrinkles, dryness and dark spots.
Coffee and milk face mask
To make this mask, you can take a tablespoon of ground coffee with a tablespoon or two of milk, mix the mixture to be a paste and put it on the face, leave it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes, and wash it off with lukewarm water.
The coffee mask with milk simply unifies the skin tone, is more effective, and can remove impurities from the face and make the skin glow.
Face mask of coffee, turmeric and yogurt
To make a mask of coffee, turmeric and yogurt, mix a tablespoon of coffee powder, a tablespoon of turmeric and a tablespoon of yogurt, stir the mixture and be free of any lumps, and put the mixture evenly on the face, and leave for 20 minutes, to remove the paste, massage in a circular motion gently, and wash with warm water For a brighter complexion.
Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and vitamin C, which helps remove dullness from the skin, lightens dark spots and yogurt with AHAs, reduces facial oils and nourishes them.
Coffee and lemon mask
Mix a tablespoon of coffee powder with a tablespoon of lemon juice, in a bowl, and mix well, to form a paste and apply it on the face and neck evenly gently, leave it to dry on the skin for 15 minutes, and rinse with cold water.
Lemon with coffee helps in removing tan and lightening the skin quickly, and gives a mild whitening effect, helps to get rid of dead skin and encourages the growth of new skin cells, and coffee gives a refreshing glow.
Coffee and Aloe Vera Mask
To make a coffee and aloe vera mask, you can take two tablespoons of ground coffee and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and mix the mixture well and put it on the face, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, and wash it after that with lukewarm water.
Aloe vera is known as a powerful skin-fighting ingredient due to its antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties. The caffeine in coffee fights blemishes, dark spots and sun spots, and brightens the complexion.
coffee for skin
Nourishing coffee mask
coffee mask
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Source : اخبار الاردن