
9 ways to get long-lasting lipstick like a pro

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Every girl, when applying makeup on the skin, may want to make the lipstick last for a long time, but one side may be heavier than the other, which makes the appearance of the lips unbalanced, and the girl may increase the application of lipstick a lot, which looks completely unnatural.

There are some tips that can be followed to apply lipstick in a professional and gentle way, according to the website “goodhousekeeping“.

Exfoliating and moisturizing lips

You must prepare to put makeup correctly, by first peeling the lips and then making them wet using a lip balm, or lip primer, and the balm can be left for a few minutes on the lips, so that the lips are not dry and there are no spots that may peel off on the lips, and to make the lips on which lipstick is placed Perfect place.

Color correction as desired

It is impossible to make the color of lipstick appear on dark lips, a lighter foundation can be applied to hide the color of the lips, and any lipstick color can be applied in a realistic and attractive way.

Filling lips with liner

The lip liner can be applied around the lips before applying the lipstick, which can turn any lipstick into a long-wearing formula, and it can be finished with the lip liner, and the lipstick is applied to clean the edges at the end and make the finish more perfect.

Working with a special lip shape:

For those with thin lips

Lips can be drawn using a lip liner and be close to the same color as the lips, they will rise a little, using this technique, by drawing an arc on Cupid’s bow and completing a part of the lower lips, and for this you must choose a color a little lighter than the color of the natural lips.

full lips

You can use a lip liner that is darker than the natural color of the skin, and this color will make the color of the lips appear smaller, while the lighter colors appear larger.

Apply a layer on the lipstick from the center outwards

Lipstick can be placed in the center of the lips and outwards, it should be better controlled and any messes removed and you can smile a little to see if it is applied perfectly

Use a lip brush to draw a precise line

A sharp lip pencil and a pointed lipstick can be used, and some may feel comfortable when applying lipstick with a lip brush, as this gives greater precision, and is greatly even, and any mess can be cleaned up by concealer, and a flat brush for cleaning.

color adjustment

Once the final lipstick is applied, the lips should be gently pressed together over a tissue to remove any excess product, and a translucent powder can be used to adjust the color of the lipstick, so that it lasts all day.

permanent lipstick


red lipstick
red lipstick


#ways #longlasting #lipstick #pro

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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