7 essential steps in an acne-affected skin care routine
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
All skin types need care all the time, but acne-affected skin requires more care to keep the problem from getting worse and worse. There are some tips available to every girl that can be effective for her in skin care during the period of acne, according to the website.artofskincare“.
The first step
You should continue to use the home care products that are used in your normal day routine, and you should know that acne is never cured but can be controlled using skin safe products.
The second step
Stress and anxiety is a main factor that exacerbates acne, and makes the skin dull, tired and unpure, giving it a life older than its age, and for this, the skin must be made to rest from stress and get the sleep it needs.
The third step
Drink plenty of water while limiting foods containing iodine (kelp – seaweed), avoiding peanut products and reducing dairy products.
The fourth step
Be sure to seriously examine any components of cosmetics and know the details that they consist of, because there are ingredients that exacerbate skin problems and acne.
Fifth step
When leaving the house, be sure to use skin products that suit oily, dry, normal and mixed skin types, and according to their routine, that are suitable for different skin types.
Sixth step
When drying the face, fabric softeners (liquids or dryer sheets) should be used.
Seventh step
Applying a safe sunscreen for acne every day, so as not to increase the problems of the skin more than they are, and trying to focus with it to prevent any side effects that have no negative consequences, and to prevent the skin from reddening or getting tan and changing its color.
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Source : اخبار الاردن