
Do colors affect your psychological state? Learn the secrets of the color recovery technique

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Often we hear the term color therapy, and it is a form of therapy that uses color and light to treat some mental and physical health conditions, and many hear about colors used from Ayurvedic medicine that applies certain colors that can correct any imbalance in the chakras of the body.

This form was followed by the ancient Egyptians in using rooms filled with the sun with tinted glasses for therapeutic purposes, and although color therapy has gained popularity over the years, it is still an unacceptable form of treatment on a large scale in Western medicine, and seeing a certain color has an effect on color. the other, according toverywellmind“.

Types of color therapy

Red color

Red is used to energize or energize a person who is feeling tired or frustrated. However, red may provoke nervous people.

the colour blue

Blue The color blue is used by therapists to try to influence depression and pain, and some believe that darker shades of blue have calming properties, and can be tried by people who suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders.

green color

Green is the color of nature, and it helps relieve stress and increases a person’s state of relaxation.

the yellow color

Yellow The color yellow can be used to improve mood and make a person happy and in a state of optimism.

The color orange

Orange The color orange can be used like yellow to evoke feelings of happiness and joy, and it is believed that the bright orange color is able to stimulate appetite and mental activity.

color therapy technique

There are two main methods of color therapy, by looking at a specific color to elicit the desired response in the body, or by reflecting certain colors directly on parts of the body, and color therapists believe that color enters our bodies through the eyes or skin, and each color has a wavelength. It has a unique frequency, it has a different effect on people and warm colors are used to stimulate the effects.

Benefits of color therapy

stress relief

Some believe that blue and green have calming effects on people who suffer from stress and anxiety

seasonal affective disorder

Some may suffer mainly from seasonal affective disorder, from changes in the weather in winter due to lack of sunlight, and certain light can be shining and is useful for mood disturbance.

Energy Boost

Some believe that red and yellow enhance energy and make a person more motivated and energetic.



color effect
color effect


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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