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The digital economy calls for taking advantage of the opportunity to invest in the optical fiber network

Amman Today

publish date 2022-08-21 20:11:50

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship has called on investors/operators from the private sector to take advantage of the opportunity to invest in the national fiber-optic network in Jordan through a competitive international bid.

According to a statement by the Ministry today, Sunday, on its website, the opportunity includes, but is not limited to; Network leasing, marketing, management, operation and expansion throughout Jordan with the ability to connect to other regional networks, through public-private partnerships or other business models that can be of mutual benefit and achieve goals.

The project was implemented for the purposes of linking educational institutions, including public schools, community colleges, knowledge stations, learning resource centers, health institutions, medical centers and government institutions, with a broadband network that is a basic infrastructure for Jordan, and providing e-government and health and educational services through it.

The project includes about 1,856 km of aerial fiber cables and 4,300 km of terrestrial fiber cables, up to 6,156 km when all phases of the project are completed, while the number of government sites already connected is about 2,424, up to 3,000 sites upon completion of all phases of the project. The remaining project is under implementation and is financed by the general budget.

The Ministry encourages the private sector through this call to maximize the use of the network and achieve an added financial value by increasing the rate of fiber-optic penetration throughout the country.

The Ministry called on interested parties that have proven experience in the fields of investment and operation of similar projects at the international level, as well as local interested parties, to submit a request for expression of interest no later than September 8, at the e-mail address [email protected]

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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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