
4 tips to help you regain a sense of security in an emotional relationship

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Sometimes the relationship between any two reaches a point where one or both partners feel insecure. Insecurity stems from self-doubt and low self-esteem. We often think that we can’t keep our partners happy because we are unsure of ourselves, even though it’s just an illusory inner feeling. However, it also seriously affects your relationship, so how do we stop feeling this way? “The Seventh Day” reviews some tips, according to the “Seventh Day” website.Your Tango Relationships” As follows:

Accept yourself and the other side

Oftentimes, insecurities arise from being overly critical of yourself. Know that every person is unique. You don’t have to fit into every society and please everyone. Someone who loves you doesn’t force you to change but can help you improve without pressure.

Communication is the key

Effective communication is the key to any successful relationship. Tell the other person clearly why you feel insecure. Is it because he travels a lot, or spends a lot of time at work? Whatever your concerns, make it a point to convey them directly to the other person and have a heart-to-heart conversation. If the other person is unwilling to communicate properly, this could be a sign of a more serious underlying problem in the relationship.

Stop playing the blame game

If you are having problems in the relationship, it is easier to point the finger at and blame the other person for all the problems than to accept your role in the problem, but remember that being judgmental will not help the situation. Consider having a frank discussion with the other person, and be Courageous enough to accept accountability on your part, however, if you feel that the other person is always the one to blame you, treat this as a red flag that they may offend you emotionally.

Learn to love yourself first

The most important relationship you have is your relationship with yourself. You cannot be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with another person if you do not love and accept yourself unconditionally first. Often, the main cause of insecurity in a relationship is a lack of self-love. Learning to love yourself can help you gain more confidence in yourself and let go of your fears.




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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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