
I know what your child needs if he gets too nervous.. Cuddling strengthens the relationship with him

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Many mothers notice that one of their children is always angry and his voice is loud and screams at the least, and there are many reasons why anger possesses them, the most important of which is their inability to express what is inside them, so “The Seventh Day” reviews the most important things that the child needs and cannot tell you, according to the website “westcoastfamilies” As follows..

special time with you

Before going to bed it is better to have fun with your children, rather than yelling at them to sleep angry, if the mother is in charge of the children, try to set aside time during the day to make your child feel that this day is his, and it is possible to leave him and listen to him and what he wants to do His dreams and plans. Take time out of your day to shower him and his dad with love, sing him a song, or read him a bedtime story. If you don’t have any books, you might be able to talk about morals and values ​​in your own storytelling style.

cuddling and affection

Showing affection and giving your child a hug is one of the essential experiences that children go through as they grow up. Parents should always remember to give lots of praise, hugs and love, even after a long day, and creating a friendly conversation between you can be a huge help to a child who wants to be heard.

special time

Having good contact with your children means giving them your full and undivided attention as much as you can. Children will benefit from feeling valued for their time, especially if it is planned and not rushed. Your child’s behavior is clearly visible.

Plan to look forward with them

Show your kids that you love spending time with them, and give them fun things to look forward to with you. You might plan fun events on the weekend, or surprise them with weekday activities if they’re well-behaved. Showing that you’re excited about having fun with your kids will make them feel good about themselves and their relationship with you.

baby containment


angry kid
angry kid


#child #nervous #Cuddling #strengthens #relationship

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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