
5 simple daily actions to make your life easier.. Get to know them

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Imagine that your daily life suddenly became a lot easier and not because you changed anything major, you still have the same job, friends and family, but everything became simpler, so “The Seventh Day” reviews some ideas to get that easily according to the site “bestlifeonline” As follows:

Don’t fool yourself and your time

If you are always late, schedule important events as starting 10 to 15 minutes before their real time to ensure your commitment, such as working hours, you have to arrange the tasks in the morning at least a quarter of an hour before your usual time so that you get used to being early in all your affairs, and you also have to bring your breakfast By yourself even if you are in a hurry.

Identify a bad habit and stop it

Deciding that you want to change something in your life for the better is undoubtedly a positive thing, but instead of renewing an entire part of your life at once that you might want to become more productive, decide to become a morning person and give up your cell phone during the day.

Replace long calls with specific voice messages

Some people prefer phone calls, but in today’s digital age sending a quick text message or email can be more time-saving.

Select one method of communication

Letting people know the best way to contact you for a quick response saves time and reduces unnecessary phone calls.

Do your hardest work between 2 pm and 3 pm

Research conducted at the University of California found that for most people, focus begins to rise at 11 a.m. and peaks between 2 and 3 p.m., after which attention span drops dramatically. Take advantage of the natural elevation of your mind’s focus.

His Excellency

Arrange your needs
Arrange your needs

easier life
easier life


#simple #daily #actions #life #easier

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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