Tawjihi hashtags top the trend in Jordan and joy floods the communication sites
Amman Today
publish date 2022-08-18 08:05:11
The compass – issued a hashtag (the hashtag) for high school (the guide) and the seat number (the most popular) Twitter In Jordan, after the announcement of the results of the Tawjihi at dawn on Thursday.
Expressions of joy at surviving, congratulations and congratulations on social networking sites in Jordan, most notably Facebook.
At ten o’clock, the Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Wajeh Owais, will hold a press conference to talk about the details of the results of the “Tawjihi” secondary school and to reveal the names of the top students and the percentages of success and failure in general.
To know the results of the high school “Tawjihi” click on the following link: tawjihi.jo
#Tawjihi #hashtags #top #trend #Jordan #joy #floods #communication #sites
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن