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What is the draft regulation of partisan activities in higher education institutions?

Amman Today

publish date 2022-08-12 14:18:35

The draft system of organizing the practice of partisan activities in higher education institutions grants students the right to engage in partisan activities on university campuses, through clubs, federations or associations in those institutions, represented by: Activities related to partisan awareness and education aimed at introducing the electoral process.

The system was recently approved by the Higher Education Council and submitted to the Prime Minister to proceed with its approval procedures.

The system encourages student participation in elections and public affairs, which are organized by the administrations of educational institutions or their student associations and clubs, by holding and participating in seminars and political debates, and any other activities approved by the Deanship in those institutions.

The draft system stressed that the student must commit, when practicing partisan activity, not to conduct the activity in places and times other than authorized in accordance with its provisions and instructions issued pursuant to it, as well as not to conduct the activity during examination periods and events held by higher education institutions, including the graduation of students, in addition to not holding Activity a day before the student council elections, clubs or societies and on the day the election takes place, and not using the name and logo of the educational institution when practicing partisan activity.

He also stressed not to announce or call for partisan activity to be held or to start implementing it, before obtaining the written approval of the Deanship, in addition to not collecting donations or receiving financial support for the party, and not practicing any partisan activity in the student housing of higher education institutions.

The system of organizing the practice of partisan activities in higher education institutions, issued in accordance with paragraph (a) of Article (20) of the Political Parties Law No. (7) of 2022.

Article 1: This system is called (the system for organizing the exercise of partisan activities in higher education institutions for the year 2022) and it shall come into force after thirty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 2: The following words and phrases, wherever they appear in this system, shall have the meanings assigned to them opposite each of them unless the context indicates otherwise:

Council: Council of Higher Education.

Institutions of Higher Education: Institutions that undertake higher education, whether universities, university colleges, medium community colleges, or others.

Party: The political party established in accordance with the Political Parties Law.

Student: A female student and a regular registered student in any of the higher education institutions that is a member of the party.

Deanship: The Deanship of Student Affairs or its equivalent in a higher education institution.

Dean: The Dean of Student Affairs or his representative in a higher education institution.

Party activity: the activity organized in accordance with the provisions of this system and the instructions issued pursuant thereto.

University Campus: Facilities located within the walls of a higher education institution.

Article 3: a. Students, through clubs, federations or associations in higher education institutions, have the right to practice the following partisan activities on campus:

Activities related to party awareness and education.

Activities aimed at introducing the electoral process.

Encouraging student participation in elections and public affairs, which are organized by the departments of educational institutions or student associations and clubs in them.

Holding seminars and political debates and participating in them.

Any other activity approved by the Deanship in the higher education institution.

B. The activities referred to in paragraph (a) of this article and what is presented through them represent the viewpoint of the students in charge of them and the party to which they belong, and do not in any way reflect the position or viewpoint of the educational institution.

Article 4: When practicing party activity, the student is obligated to the following:

a. Not to conduct partisan activity in places and times other than those authorized in accordance with the provisions of this system and the instructions issued pursuant thereto.

B. Not to conduct partisan activity during examination periods and events held by the higher education institution, including the graduation of students.

c. Not to hold partisan activity a day before the date of the student council elections, clubs or associations, and on the day the election takes place.

Dr. Not to use the name and logo of the educational institution when practicing partisan activity.

e. Not to announce or call for the holding of the partisan activity or start implementing it without obtaining the written approval of the Deanship.

And the. Not collecting donations or receiving financial support for the party.

g. Not to engage in any partisan activity within the student housing of the Higher Education Institution.

Article 5: The request to establish a partisan activity shall be submitted to the Dean at least one week before the proposed date for its establishment, according to the approved form, including the following:

a. The title of the activity, its objective and the target group.

B. The names of the applicants.

c. Submit a copy of the invitation.

Dr. The proposed place and time for the activity.

e. The names of the main speakers.

And the. An authorization that includes the approval of the party secretary for the students to submit an application to establish the activity.

Article 6: a. The higher education institution is obligated to respond to the request to establish partisan activity within a maximum period of three working days from the date of submitting the request.

B. In the event of failure to respond within the period referred to in clause (a), the request shall be deemed accepted.

c. After the approval is issued, the dean may amend the time and place of the party activity or its program with the reasoning for the decision issued in this regard.

Dr. The dean may stop the party activity during its session if any act that violates the legislation in force or the public order is committed.

Article 7: a. Any institution of higher education is prohibited from:

Biasing in favor of any political party or influencing students belonging to the parties in any way.

Promote any party through the websites and social networking pages of the institution.

Questioning the student or influencing him negatively because of the practice of any of the partisan activities permitted to be practiced under the provisions of this system as long as it is carried out in accordance with its provisions.

B. Faculty members and all employees of a higher education institution are prohibited from participating in partisan activities practiced by students on the campus of the institution in which they work.

Article 8: Students are obligated, while practicing partisan activity, to maintain the safety of educational facilities and their facilities, the proper functioning of the teaching process, and not to take any action that hinders the work of the higher education institution.

Article 9: a. Higher education institutions are obligated to organize student clubs, federations, or societies and to provide the opportunity for students to exercise their right to run and vote for the elections of these councils, federations or clubs and to express their partisan identities.

B. The Deanship is responsible for supervising students’ practice of partisan activities inside the university campus in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article 10: a. All institutions of higher education in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are subject to the provisions of this system.

B. Higher education institutions that are affiliated with the security and military agencies are excluded from the application of the provisions of this system.

Article 11: The Council is responsible for monitoring the commitment of higher education institutions to implement the provisions of this system.

Article 12: The Council shall issue the necessary instructions to implement the provisions of this system.


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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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