His health is not like that.. the rescue team doctor asks for the merciful death of the lost Seine whale
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The beluga whale, which became famous in France after it seized the Seine at a wrong turn, had to be disposed of last Wednesday after suffering health complications during an emergency rescue operation, French authorities said.
Fearing that the malnourished creature would not live in the Seine for much longer, a group of wildlife conservationists and vets planned to transport the missing whale to a saltwater port in Normandy, where they hoped to return it to the open sea.
According to what latimes published, a team of 80 people gathered in an attempt to save the life of the animal, and it was successfully transferred Tuesday night from a river in Saint-Pierre-la-Garenne, west of Paris, to a refrigerated truck for a 99-mile journey to a port in Ouistreham, but during the trip, the adult whale was found 13 feet tall had difficulty breathing, according to Florence Olivette Courtois, a French veterinarian who worked on the rescue.
The veterinarians confirmed during the trip that his condition had deteriorated, especially in his respiratory activity, and at the same time they noticed that the animal was suffering from pain, and not breathing enough, and the doctor added, “The suffering was clear to the animal, so it was important to get rid of his tension, and so we had to move on. Go ahead and get rid of it.”
On the other hand, the group and veterinarians noted that the whale had responded to a mixture of antibiotics and vitamins over the past few days, which made them hope that it would recover once it returned to the saltwater environment.
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Source : اخبار الاردن