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A little girl tells the details of her payment to beg by her father

Amman Today

publish date 2022-08-04 10:38:29

Compass – Oman

The Directorate of Communication and Information in the Ministry of Social Development published a novel about a 17-year-old girl, in which she talked about how she was pushed to beg, under the title “Begging is not optional,” the details of which are as follows:

My dream was to go to school, but my father’s greed and desire to save him money and collect it for him forced me to beg. With these words, the 17-year-old girl started her talk in the Care and Rehabilitation Center for Begging Girls of the Ministry of Social Development after she was caught by the anti-begging teams Next to one of the traffic lights in the Deir Ghbar area.

The girl continues: This time I had 20 dinars, but my father took it from me before I was caught by the anti-begging teams, as he stays close to me for the purposes of monitoring while I work begging.

After conducting the social study of the girl, it was found that the father has a criminal record and has 22 different and varied criminal records.

While the girl is in the Care and Rehabilitation Center for Girl Beggars, she receives behavior modification services as well as a wide variety of curricular and extracurricular activities.

This story is the story of many others who have fallen victim to beggary and exploitation, so we call on everyone not to sympathize with beggars or give them money, to contribute to reducing this negative societal phenomenon, reducing its spread and increasing the number of its victims.

#girl #tells #details #payment #beg #father

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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