
The Representatives Administration recommends reconsidering the basis for administrative job interviews

Amman Today

publish date 2022-08-03 17:26:58

The Parliamentary Administrative Committee recommended the need to reconsider the basis for interviews in administrative jobs, and to adhere to the applicable Civil Service Commission system, to achieve the greatest possible degree of equality and job justice.

Ali Al-Tarawneh, while chairing a meeting of the committee held today, Wednesday, in the presence of the Deputy Mayor of Amman Muhammad Al-Qaisi, and the city’s deputy director for regional affairs Hussam Al-Najdawi, said that the administrative committee discussed the grievance addressed to it by a number of Amman Municipality employees related to the committee responsible for the interviews. To occupy the position of head of the administrative department in the secretariat.

He added that the committee is concerned with employee issues in the public sector, and its role in achieving justice in the promotion process and fighting corruption and nepotism in the administrative apparatus.

Tarawneh also called on those concerned in the secretariat to provide the committee with all the evidence, schedules and interviews that took place during the selection process, stressing that the committee will investigate the information received, and if there is any suspicion of corruption, it will be dealt with by legal means, and transferred to the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission.

In turn, a number of representatives in attendance stressed the importance of fairness and credibility in the process of selecting and interviewing employees who are qualified to obtain administrative positions in the public sector and the Amman Municipality in particular, and working to clarify the mechanism used in conducting tests among job applicants in line with the qualifications of each employee.

For his part, Al-Najdawi said that the job of “head of the administrative department” was announced through the official website of the Amman Municipality through the conditions that were set according to the category and academic degree, in addition to the employee’s degree within the conditions in force in the Civil Service Bureau system and the system of the Municipality of Amman, pointing to The number of applicants for the vacancies is 400 employees, while the conditions apply to only 210 employees.

He explained that 43 employees had passed the conditions and personal interviews, according to the number of vacancies.

#Representatives #Administration #recommends #reconsidering #basis #administrative #job #interviews

Parliament of Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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