
Before the result of high school .. How did you let your son prepare to receive it and accept it?

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The waiting period for high school results in many homes is as difficult as preparing for the exams themselves. It is natural for your son to feel anxious and sometimes sick while waiting for high school grades that will determine his fate and future, and this is what makes parents seek to help and support them in every possible way, so he reviews “Today Seventh “with Life Coach and Family Relations Expert Samah Hamdy Some important ways in which you can support your son in the period leading up to the day of the result and prepare him for the same day and make him accept his result whatever it is as follows:

Try to distract him from the result

Life Coach said it is necessary to encourage your son to be busy and not focus on the exam results, especially the high school result. There is no point in bringing your son back to thinking about the exams or worrying about what he did or did not do in the exam because it would cause him to feel anxious.

His knowledge does not look behind him

LifeCoach continued, “Looking back rarely leads to mistrust, so remind your son to stay positive, focus on the things he can control and look to the future. To plan for the coming days and weeks, reassure him that what happened is done, and know that he did the best he could.”.

Develop a backup plan if the result is not satisfactory

Life Coach added, “It is necessary to develop an alternative plan if the result is not satisfactory, with planning how and when he will obtain the results of the exams, and continued that parents feel as excited and nervous as their children about the day of the exam results, but he tries to remember the student that this is his day, so He has to make a plan around his needs, and make sure he also has a plan that suits him so that he can enjoy whatever the outcome..

Leave your son alone on the day of the result

It is natural for you to want to be with your son, but it may be preferable for the student to meet his friends on the day of the result to celebrate with them, and this is what Life Coach explained, making sure that the father has a backup plan in case things do not go as expected, if your son does not get the results. If he wants, he may want you to be there to support him, so he prefers to take a leave of absence from work as a backup so that he is with his son to tell him indirectly that he is next to him.

the exam


Exam anxiety
Exam anxiety


#result #high #school #son #prepare #receive #accept

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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