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The abolition of the Ministry of Labor creates unrest and harms the interests of workers

Amman Today

publish date 2022-08-01 18:25:57

The General Federation of Jordan Trade Unions confirmed its rejection of the government’s intention to cancel the Ministry of Labor and transfer its tasks to a number of relevant ministries, indicating that this would lead to chaos and turmoil in the labor market and have negative effects on workers in various economic sectors and harm their interests.

The union added, in a press statement today, that this approach contradicts the approach of social dialogue and partnership that brings together workers and employers, which the government has worked to establish for years. their earnings.”

He added that the abolition of the ministry violates Jordan’s international obligations regarding strengthening labor relations and social partnership, and the right of workers to collective bargaining and signing agreements that regulate the relationship with employers, which leads to instability in the production wheel and imbalance in labor relations and damages the national economic system.

The statement pointed out that such a procedure needs to be discussed and studied with the Federation of Workers and Trade Unions to ensure that one of the most important elements of production and nation building, namely the workers, is not harmed. on her.

The statement explained that the labor organizations have legitimate fears and many questions about the future of the labor market and the shape of the relationship between workers and employers, indicating that the organization of the labor market, employment policies and other issues related to vocational and technical training, social protection and labor relations, and many others, are within the jurisdiction of the Ministry, institutions and bodies. whose boards of directors are chaired by the Minister of Labor, which requires a single reference that takes all issues related to the labor market and labor sectors.

The statement called for not rushing to implement the government’s directions within the public sector modernization plan and the need to listen to all points of view regarding the negatives of the cancellation decision and the risks arising from its implementation.

#abolition #Ministry #Labor #creates #unrest #harms #interests #workers

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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