
The 4 towers that you believe most in myths and legends… The reason for Pisces is its romance and Libra is its curiosity

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Many people believe in real things that are the result of thinking, reason, and logic, but others believe in myth and imagination, and believe in unreal stories, and there are several astrological signs that easily believe mysterious and mythical stories and believe in them, according to the website.knowinsiders“.


Pisces is famous for romance and love of imagination, and it is one of the most astrological signs that loves myth and spends a lot of time reading and getting to know it, and because Pisces is naive, he may easily believe everything he is told of mysterious spiritual events, as soon as he hears a person telling it to his ears, and may remain throughout The night does not sleep for fear of what he heard, and he is one of the people who may spend their money in exorcising evil spirits that he thinks exist, and he does not like darkness, because he imagines all kinds of ghosts and deceives himself, with terrifying details, and may hallucinate him, and Pisces is fond of riddles and keen to learn them Therefore, Pisces should not believe anyone easily.


Cancer is known to be sensitive and believes in spirituality and takes it for granted, and does not hesitate to show his interest in it in all situations, and a Cancer man gets terrified when watching a horror movie or reading spiritual stories that have no explanation. He goes to a spiritual man or fortune teller who follows him.


Libra is afraid of ghosts, but is curious, and loves to learn about the spiritual world, although it contradicts his thinking. Some people may think Libra has a strong appearance, but in reality he is shy and weak, and he tries to appear calm in front of everyone to hide his fear, but he can do Anything spiritual to get calm.


Virgo has a rich inner life, loves spiritual things such as horoscopes, numerology, astrology, etc., and is afraid of ghosts after watching scary stories and movies, and is more likely to suffer from sleep paralysis and ghostly fantasies at night, and can imagine a ghost under the bed or In the toilet.


lady scared
lady scared

scared girl
scared girl


#towers #myths #legends #reason #Pisces #romance #Libra #curiosity

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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