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The state eats the shoulders of some of them with the quarrels of “political salons”

Amman Today

publish date 2022-07-26 15:06:18

He expressed his fear that the partisan experiment, after the outcomes of political modernization, would witness a new failure and eclipse.

The Secretary-General of the National Constitution Party, Dr. Ahmed Al-Shannaq, in his statements to Al-Bawsala:

What is required is a practical national plan that actually facilitates the issue of party work.

The political modernization project needs restructuring in the joints of the state.

The success of the partisan experiment does not need statements, but rather a state that works on the ground.

“Political modernization” will fail if it remains hostage to money and men of political influence.

Amman – Raed Sobeih

The Secretary-General of the National Constitutional Party, Dr. Ahmed Al-Shannaq, expressed in his statements to “compassHe expressed his deep regret at the media debates today about linking the parties and their work to the rivalries of “political salons” with the state through which former statesmen and ministers seek to recycle themselves in positions, describing what is happening today as “the state is now eating with great respect.” each other’s shoulders.”

Al-Shannaq presented his vision for the success of partisan work and programmatic parties, linking this to several conditions, expressing his fear at the same time that this experiment would fail if it remained dependent on “political salons and political money.”

Conditions for success of the experiment

Al-Shannaq said, “The state needs to restructure all its institutions in line with the outputs of the Royal Committee to modernize the political system, leading to parliamentary partisan governments, in the next three parliaments.”

He pointed out that the modernization project clearly requires the restructuring of the Constitutional Court, the restructuring of the Judicial Council, and the restructuring of the Independent Electoral Commission, stressing at the same time that these three titles must originally become the infrastructure to reach the concept of a partisan parliamentary government.

He pointed out that “the government, with its components through ministers and several ministries, still does not have a strategy that expresses a state project, and that is titled: the Ministry of Culture and Youth and the Ministry of Political Affairs, meaning that the political modernization project needs to be restructured in the joints of the state, starting with the government and ending with many institutions Related to the constitutional issue, the legal issue, and the issue of empowering parties and facilitating their task in forming or correcting their situation.

Al-Shannaq added: “Unfortunately until now, parties are dealt with from a personal and individual standpoint, and not from the concept of law and its sovereignty.

He continued by asking: “How could that be, or how could this be compatible with the royal conversations about partisanship, especially in the last stage, and the king’s meeting in the northern Badia, his meeting with university presidents, and his extensive dialogues with Al-Rai newspaper.”

Al-Shannaq said, “What is required is a practical national plan that actually facilitates the issue of partisan work, which is the cornerstone for reaching parliamentary parties and then parliamentary partisan governments.”

Dr.. Ahmed Al-Shannaq: The party project that expresses the outcomes of a royal commission to modernize the entire political system needs a dialogue of minds

Political salons are the outputs of the Jordanian state

Al-Shannaq said that the political salons are the outputs of the Jordanian state, and they are the men of the state, and they are the ministers and they are the heads of governments, and what is the relationship of the people with that, they are the products of the Jordanian state, and therefore The state, with all due respect, is now eating each other’s shouldersAnd the Jordanian personalities who assumed positions of responsibility from the top to the bottom are actually accustomed to the opposition to be recycled in the Jordanian state, and they are convinced and certain through experience, of course, over the years that the Jordanian state adopts the method of recycling people for positions.

He sharply criticized the outputs of these salons, saying: “The failed Jordanian minister” sees him as an ambassador and sees him as an eye, and he can also return as a deputy, or head of an institution or head of a body, and therefore political salons still have their effects in Jordanian society because they used to re-establish their presence in positions of power, and these One of the big problems.


Al-Shannaq said: I believe that the national reform-modernization project, and I reiterate and emphasize, that the state must be restructured towards the concept of partisan programmatic work, and so far I have been given a model: What is the concept of a programmatic party, which is the concept of leaders who own a program and possess solutions to citizens’ issues that are practical and applicable Reality and implementation.

He continued by saying: I see that the partisan project may witness an eclipse, which is reflected in the eclipse of the outputs of the Royal Committee for Political Modernization, as long as the forces of reverse tension exist in the framework of the authority in many locations, and as long as the partisan work has become managed in a file through the employee with great respect, and not in the concept of the state strategy. Clear regulations in line with the provisions of the law and the provisions of the Constitution.

“I think that this issue does not need statements, but rather a state that is working on the ground: how can we succeed in partisan programmatic work by facilitating the formation of parties,” Al-Shannaq puts it.

He continued, “I give an example on this: when we say that 68% of Jordanian society represents the youth segment, and therefore partisanship is the origin of finding solutions to the problems of young people through their participation or support for partisan work.”

He added, “The second matter: the middle class and the poor, and they are the two classes that are very affected in the economic, social and service reality, and I say from where did the money come for them to form their party lists at the level of nine electoral districts, and therefore will money be the main controller in these elections, and will we witness the parties of money and this A very big challenge in light of the restrictions at the level of regions and governorates from the middle class, the poor, and the Jordanian youth.”

Al-Shannaq said: Therefore, the challenge is great. This partisan project, which expresses the outcomes of a royal committee to modernize the entire political system, needs a dialogue of minds. How can we enable Jordanian society with all its categories and segments to form parties and not leave money, and I am certain through our experience that money will remain the one who manages affairs Partisanship in the next stage is in addition to men of political influence, and this is not the required project, as if we are recycling from the same political salons through the name of a party.

new dialogue

Al-Shannaq said in his statements tocompass“The project of political modernization and the success of parties needs a new dialogue. How can we create parties that express all segments and groups in the countryside, the desert, the camps and the governorates.

He added, “I think that the challenge may foretell an eclipse of this political modernization through the partisan project, which may become a hostage in the hands of money and influential men.”

He expressed his hope that the experiment would not fail, saying: “Therefore, we demand a restructuring of the state and related institutions, because political modernization must be based on the principle of respect for the constitution and the rule of law, and not the issuance of regulations and instructions to circumvent the reform system.”


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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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