
A couple’s dream of getting a Guinness world record was dashed by New Zealand potatoes

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The dream of a New Zealand couple who thought they had discovered the world’s largest potato on their small farm was shattered, after the Guinness Book of World Records analyzed the sample to find that it was a pumpkin tuber and not a potato..

According to the website of the newspaper “The Guardian”, the couple had sent pictures and samples of the potato they discovered in their home, to the Guinness Book of Records for scientific tests to be done to confirm it, and the encyclopedia returned months later that the sample that was sent is a tuber of a type of pumpkin and does not belong to the category of potatoes The couple were excluded from obtaining a record confirming that their potato is the largest in the world.

The fruit found

“It certainly looks and tastes like a potato,” said Colin Craig Brown, who discovered the tuber when he was gardening with his wife, Donna. He added that he had never tasted a tuber.

After months of sending photos and papers, the couple received the bad news from Guinness in an email last week.

The email “Dear Colin” begins, “Unfortunately, the specimen is not a potato, it is in fact a tuber of a type of squash. For this reason, we unfortunately have to rule out the application.”

The couple named Doug On the tuber they discovered, and they documented the idea of ​​entering it into the Guinness Book of Records, and the couple constantly publishes pictures of the tuber on Facebook, and this tuber weighs 7.8 kilograms.


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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