
The relationship between staying at home and depression

Amman Today

publish date 2022-03-21 18:20:07

Scientists from Britain have proven a relationship between staying at home for a long time and severe depression.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth reports that scientists from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience have discovered a link between prolonged stay at home and major depression.

The researchers came to this conclusion by following the health status of 164 people suffering from major depression, where from the geolocation data they obtained from the volunteers’ smartphones, it became clear to them how much time the patients spent in their homes.

According to the researchers, older adults with more severe symptoms were less likely to leave the house. They observed that the relationship between symptoms on weekdays was stronger than on weekends.

Earlier, the American psychiatrist Uma Naidoo revealed the names of foods that should be eaten for joy, improving memory and having a positive effect on the brain. She advised the need to pay attention to spices, which act as antioxidants, some of which have other beneficial properties. For example, turmeric reduces anxiety, and saffron helps fight depression. Dark chocolate has a similar effect.
Russia Today

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Source : اخبار الاردن

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