
His Highness “Kyiv” in honor of Ukraine .. the birth of an endangered rhinoceros in a Czech zoo

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

A Czech zoo has welcomed the critically endangered eastern black rhino, which was named after the Ukrainian capital “Kyiv”, in honor of the country’s resistance against Russian forces.

The rhino was born early, on March 4, at the Dvor Kralove Zoo, which is rare for the facility even if it contains most rhino species belonging to the subspecies, according to the New York Post.


“The name is another expression of our support for the Ukrainian heroes,” said zoo director Primicel Rabas. “Kyiv’s mother, Eva, is taking care of him in the best possible way. The baby is gaining one kilogram (2.20 pounds) a day, and he currently weighs around 50 kilograms.” (110 lbs.)”.

Overhunting has reduced the number of eastern black rhinos living in the wild to about 800. The Czech zoo has 14, and only three rhinos were born in other zoos around the world last year.

A total of 47 eastern black rhinos have been born in Dvor Kralove since the zoo acquired the first one in 1971, and many of them are now in various zoos around the world but nine have been brought back to Rwanda and Tanzania to live in the wild.

Kyiv rhino
Kyiv rhino


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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