Anger between spouses ends with one step… Find out
Amman Today
publish date 2022-03-13 09:26:41
Are you looking for ways to get rid of anger between spouses? Continue reading this article on my family website and get the important step for that as well as ways to deal with your partner’s anger.
Anger is a negative feeling that often arises because of the wound caused by the partner. Did you know that anger causes heart pain? In fact, anger is a natural response to a husband or wife’s failure to meet needs for love, respect, and praise. Anger caused by a bad act can exacerbate marital problems, but there is one step that ends the anger between spouses and builds a relationship that can grow and develop.
Anger between spouses
Most of the upset people experience in marriage is not caused by real injustice but by small stresses and daily accidents. When upset arises from something like this, there are three basic options for dealing with these complex and powerful emotions: denying them, expressing them negatively, or forgiving the hurt.
Forgiveness is the most effective way to reduce and control anger in married life. It is only capable of resolving the anger, anger and disappointments, which most couples unconsciously cause.
Forgiveness ends anger!
Tolerance includes revealing feelings of anger and anger, and then making a decision to work to get rid of this anger without blaming the husband. It also includes choosing to forgive the spouse immediately, i.e. at the moment of upsetting, and this requires prior practice and sufficient awareness. Forgiveness therapy is a psychologically proven method for reducing and resolving the damage caused by marital turmoil, and in all types of relationships.
Forgiveness can have many benefits, including:
Helps you forget and break free from painful experiences
Forgiveness facilitates the process of reconciliation between spouses
Reduce the possibility of misdirecting anger at home
It boosts confidence and helps relieve feelings of sadness and anxiety
8 strategies to deal with partner’s frustration
Here are some effective ways to deal with an upset partner. In fact, the goal is to continue a constructive married life away from problems and negative feelings. The most important thing is to maintain simple daily actions that strengthen the emotional bond between spouses.
De-escalate the emotion and give it a neutral feel
Be firm and respectful
Communicate constructively and understand and affirm the husband’s feelings
Practice patience and compassion
Choose your battles and think long-term
Think about your actions and understand the triggers
Deal with the challenge you face when your partner is calm
Think about influencing your partner, not controlling them
Finally, read also about how to deal with your husband in the marital relationship, and get the smart advice that every woman needs.
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Source : اخبار الاردن