
An Australian enters the Guinness Book of Records after presenting the longest vertical column of candy bars on top of each other

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

An Australian citizen succeeded in entering the Guinness Book of Records, after he succeeded in providing the longest vertical column of M&M’s candy, and Brendan Kilby was able to place 6 pieces of M&M’s candy on top of each other, making it the owner of the longest candy column topic above after.

And Guinness World Records, through its YouTube account, published a video of the man putting candy in each other.

In another fact, the little girl, Scarlett Ashley Cheng, managed to register her name in the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 6, where Guinness announced the possession of Scarlett, from Hong Kong, the largest variety of lip balm sticks in the world, by collecting 3,388 lip balms of combinations, colors and shapes Different, and the girl says that the story of her attachment to collecting lip balm sticks started like what happens with many youngsters when she and her sister got a moisturizer from their grandmother to treat dry lips in the winter period.

“My parents and grandmother used to moisturize my lips with balm every night, and at first it was regular moisturizers without flavors, but with time I started experimenting with different textures and flavors,” she explained to Guinness World Records. I did not stop collecting it and keeping its various types because of my attachment to its appearance, taste and feeling.


#Australian #enters #Guinness #Book #Records #presenting #longest #vertical #column #candy #bars #top

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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