
Touching moments of Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their fiancées at a train station.. the hardest farewell

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Various newspapers circulated on a daily basis the latest news about the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and its impact on the two sides, especially in terms of humanity, as the newspaper “Daily Mail” published touching pictures of Ukrainian soldiers bidding their fiancées farewell before they joined the soldiers participating in the war, according to the British newspaper website. .

Soldiers say goodbye to their girlfriends at the train station

A group of touching photos of Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their fiancées at Lviv train station in western Ukraine were published by the newspaper “Daily Mail”, which also reported that Ukraine has banned men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country so that they can stay and cooperate in the army.

On the other hand, touching videos spread of fathers saying goodbye to their children with tears, before they joined the army.

Some did not give in to the conditions of war and contracted their marriage while they joined the army, such as Oleksandr and Olena, who held their marriage at a checkpoint in an unknown place in Ukraine, both of them from the National Guard, and their pictures spread while they were in official attire during their marriage contract in the presence of a few witnesses, and a priest, and in front of them a cake and some The flowers.

And this ceremony was not the only one that was held in the army area, but a few days ago, two Ukrainians held their marriage, Lesia and Valery, who work in the territorial defense of the Ukrainian army, and the joy of the wedding was shared by a number of soldiers who played musical instruments while the couple was singing, and no one from their family attended. The ceremony was held, and their photos spread on social media, and this helped spread hope and optimism in the hearts of Ukrainians.

A soldier bids farewell to his beloved
Another image
Another image
Oleksandr and Olena
Oleksandr and Olena


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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