
7 ways to keep your kidneys healthy

Amman Today

publish date 2022-03-12 16:42:04

Jordan News

Endocrinologist Ksenia Merkulova included a list of habits that will help maintain the health of the kidneys.

According to the specialist, the main problem in monitoring the state of the kidneys is the difficulty of independent detection of any disorders of the organ.

She said, “The main problem with the kidneys is that they don’t hurt! And so their problems go unnoticed for a very long time.”

In order to prevent the development of diseases associated with the work of the kidneys, the doctor recommends acquiring several habits.

1. Healthy eating, regular physical activity, reducing the amount of salt consumed, and replacing sugary soft drinks with plain water.

2. Stop smoking.

3- Weight control: Obesity and being overweight increase the pressure on the kidneys.

4. Regular monitoring of the condition of the kidneys. For this, there is a measure of the functioning of the filtering function of the kidneys – GFR.

5. Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as continuous use of prescribed medications to treat abnormalities.

6. Refrain from taking medicines without a prescription, especially painkillers and antibiotics.

7. Test especially carefully if diabetes is present (including when planning pregnancy): consultation with a nephrologist, GFR and urine screening for microalbuminuria is mandatory.

#ways #kidneys #healthy

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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