Before summer, the routine of unifying skin tone, most notably body moisturizing and sun protection
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Many girls dream of having smooth, flawless skin, but many of them have uneven skin tone, which causes women to feel embarrassed, so “The Seventh Day” reviews 5 tips for unifying the skin tone, according to the website. healthline “.
5 tips for even skin tone:
body hydration:
It is recommended to moisturize the skin throughout the day by drinking a large amount of water, in order to help moisturize the body from the inside and get rid of dryness and redness. It is preferable to choose a moisturizer suitable for skin type and moisturize the entire body, starting with the face and hands.
Use sunscreen:
Sunscreen cream should be applied after moisturizing the body on a daily basis to prevent sun damage to the skin.
Avoid eating certain foods and drinks:
It is preferable to avoid some foods that lead to redness and discoloration of the skin, such as snacks, sugars and spices, which can cause the appearance of wrinkles and spots, so it is preferable to eat a healthy diet that helps in obtaining a uniform skin tone.
Rose oil:
Rose oil helps to unify the skin tone, as it contains antioxidants that promote collagen production.
Vitamin C”:
Vitamin C, an antioxidant, helps protect the skin from damage and helps lighten skin color. It can also be eaten by foods rich in it, such as oranges, guavas, peppers, kiwis and strawberries.
Unification of skin color
Skin whitening
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Source : اخبار الاردن