Tips for raising a child.. to depend on himself and be successful in his life
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The child relates to his mother by the rule of instinct, and therefore she is considered the most influential figure in his life, whether negatively or positively, so she must take care of raising him so that he becomes a useful man for his country, and to achieve this, “The Seventh Day” reviews with Dr. at home.
Baby raising tips:
The role of the family “mother”
Every child has a specific hobby, and here comes the role of the mother, who must take care of developing his hobby and helping him discover himself and know his passion, and then help him develop his skills.
Fostering passion:
Enhancing the child’s passion, whether his passion for drawing, sports, writing and other favorite hobbies of the child, are all skills that the mother must discover and strengthen in the child.
The mother must teach her child to rely on himself, to do the simple things related to, for example, choosing his favorite clothes and toys..
Raising the child on religious foundations and educating him with the teachings of religion such as prayer and memorizing some verses that are appropriate for his age, in addition to providing him with some information in the various fields that are appropriate for his age, with an explanation for the child of the purpose of performing acts of worship.
Dealing wisely:
Every child makes mistakes like any normal human being, and here it must be emphasized to deal wisely and objectively. The child should not be exaggeratedly abused and destroy his self-confidence. These mistakes should not be ignored, dealt with calmly, know their causes, and help the child avoid it and not repeat this mistake in the future.
It should be noted that he is always rewarded and encouraged when he achieves any success in his studies or hobbies and also when he does something positive to support his moral side.
Ongoing dialogue:
One of the most important educational tips that must be followed with the child is to practice continuous dialogue that is interspersed with cordiality while listening carefully to him, regardless of his age, as it is effectively reinforced, which is reflected positively on his behavior and behavior.
He said: “The family and the mother, in particular, must play the most important and biggest role in raising a psychologically, morally and scientifically mature child, and this will only be achieved by dealing objectively and maturely with the child through educational methods that enhance his self-confidence, develop his skills, and enhance his concept of virtue.”
baby girl

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Source : اخبار الاردن