
5 tricks to cool your home without having to run the AC or fan all day

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The climate inside your home can be greatly improved by simply following simple tricks without much cost, especially in hot days and high weather temperatures, which may require the operation of a number of fans and air conditioners, which leads to an increase in the electricity bill, so “The Seventh Day” reviews some smart and simple tricks To cool the air inside the house in the summer without an air conditioner, according to the “bild” as follows:

maintain the atmosphere

ventilation at night

At night, it is preferable to ventilate the house and open some windows for cold air to enter from it, while closing these windows at bedtime and only operating one fan that is not directed at you in order to avoid its health damage.

Keep windows and doors closed during the day

During the day, it is preferable to keep windows and doors closed so that hot air and harmful sunlight do not escape, and so that global warming does not occur inside your home as a result.

house cooling
house cooling

Close the blinds

During the day, close the curtains in order to maintain a low house temperature, in addition to getting rid of dust first, as the presence of dust increases the feeling of humidity and heat.

Cooling with a water bottle

You can freeze a bottle of water overnight, and in the morning place it on a high shelf, as it absorbs hot air and cools the atmosphere inside the room.

weather condition
weather condition

Tape to protect windows

There are some papers that work on protection and are often placed on car windows to protect from the sun’s rays. You can buy some of them and stick the windows with them, as they work to reflect the sun’s rays and prevent them from penetrating into the house.


#tricks #cool #home #run #fan #day

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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